Support Systems

I am currently on a week long trip with my favorite single ladies. I dearly love all of my girlfriends but my single girls hold a special place in my heart because we are all in the same single boat. Every year, we rent a lake house and spend the week together reconnecting. We spend our time relaxing, talking, floating on the lake, drinking, reading magazines, skinny dipping etc. We have an amazing time together and while we normally hang out a few times a month, this uninterrupted week together is always my favorite time with them.

I believe that it is really important for everyone to have a great support system and it is even more important to have a “God support system”/a close relationship with the Lord. As a single woman, I feel like it is really easy to feel lonely. And while I am a person that greatly values my alone time, from time to time, I do feel alone.  When that happens, I reach out to my close friends and family but more importantly, I reach out to the Lord and remember what He said to Joshua… “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9. My God is always with me. I am not alone. Remembering that as well as connecting with my tribe helps alleviate my feelings of loneliness.

If you are feeling lonely, I want to encourage you to pray and reach out to your own tribe. If you would like some additional support, please take a moment to set up a free mini session with me so that I can give you more tools to help combat loneliness.



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