This Single Life

So, you are single. What does that mean to you? What does it mean about you? Do you make it mean that you are missing out on something? Or that you are unlovable? Maybe you know you are great but do you feel forgotten? Like everyone else seems to get their happy ending but you?

Being single can mean whatever you want it to mean and I encourage you to make it mean something good.

To me, it means opportunity. I have the whole world at my finger tips. I can do anything and go anywhere.

Being single is a season of life to be enjoyed and used to bring glory to God.

I honestly never expected to still be single in my thirties, let alone for the last eight years and counting but it has been a blessing. In that time, I have done some amazing things, including but not limited to…strengthened my relationship with Jesus, became great friends with my parents and siblings, spoiled my nieces and nephews, traveled to awesome places, acquired dual citizenship, became a life coach and started a business, nurtured life long friendships, lost weight, got rid of some debt, learned so much about myself and what I want. I built a life that I genuinely love. I consider it time well spent and there is so much that I still want to do.

I want to encourage you to figure out what being single means to you. If you don’t like your meaning, change it. Take this season of your life and spend it well. Do the things that God has called you to. If you don’t know what those things are, let’s figure it out together. Click on the link and set up a free mini session with me so we can chat.


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