What’s Your Favorite Feeling?

What is your favorite feeling? And do you feel it regularly?

My favorite feeling right now is excitement!

I love how it feels in my body and I love how I can create it whenever I want.

When I first started this journey, my favorite feeling was peace but not because I had lots of it. It was because I never felt it. I was full of constant anxiety, anger and disappointment but all I wanted was to feel some peace.

I thought that peace would finally come once the craziness of my job died down or once I got out of debt or lived alone or had some quiet time on a beach but the truth is that the peace never came or lasted because it was something that I had to learn to create for myself and not tie to a circumstance outside of me.

Since our feelings are created by our thoughts/beliefs, I had to learn to build up my “peace muscle” by finding, practicing and believing new thoughts that helped me to feel peaceful. Thoughts like…it was always meant to happen this way, God has a plan, be still and know, this too shall pass, etc.

Practicing and believing my new peaceful thoughts taught me the skill of creating feelings on purpose, which I use to this day to create whatever feeling I want, whenever I want it and that is exciting!



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