Where Are They

So this topic has recently come up a lot amongst my single girlfriends, as we are all rapidly approaching our mid-thirties and want to get married and have kids…we know so many amazing, successful, thirty something, single, Christian women and very few single, Christian men. Weird right? We know that those men technically exist, somewhere, but finding one feels kind of like looking for “Waldo” (Remember those books as a kid? Hahaha!).

We are each hoping that God has the right guy for us and we know that everything happens in His timing but none of us can figure how it is all going to work out. We get bogged down by our circumstances and doubt starts to creep in. P.S. doubt sucks. When I am doubting God, I find myself in this internal tug of war between what I know to be true and whatever negativity my mind has cooked up. My brain wants so badly to understand something that cannot be understood. As Isaiah 55:9 states, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Obviously, I have to let go of my need to understand things and leave it all in His very capable hands. I need to put my confidence back where it belongs and to trust God. He will bring the right man, at the right time. I want to encourage you to release the need to make sense of things and to focus on what is true…God’s got this (and everything else)!



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