What Do You Want?

What do you want in life?
A romantic relationship? A smaller waistline? More money in the bank?
Everything we want in life is because of how we think it will make us feel once we’ve attained it.
We want the relationship because we think it will finally make us feel loved, or the weight loss because it will make us feel confident, or lots of money in the bank so we can feel secure.
And while external things might make us feel good for a little bit, once the novelty wears off, we are still left with the original “problem”…ourselves or more accurately our thinking.
Through mindset coaching, I’ve learned that it is not life’s circumstances that make us happy but our thoughts about those circumstances that create our happiness or lack thereof.
Think about what you want, then think of how you will feel once you have it.
That feeling is available to you right now, without changing a thing but your thoughts.
Have a beautiful day my friends!
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