Failure Is Success

“Failure is success in progress” Albert Einstein

I am totally going to fail the crap out of 2019!

Over the past few years, I’ve set some challenging yet totally attainable goals for myself and I’ve accomplished most of them.

In order to get to the next level of my growth, I am choosing to set and believe some nearly impossible goals for 2019.

Goals that I will likely fail at and that is the point.

Challenging myself to accomplish and believe seemingly impossible things is less about the achieving and more about the woman I will become in the process of failing and believing.

And I am terrified yet exhilarated at the same time.

What are some wild goals/dreams that you want to accomplish? Goals that you don’t even let yourself think of because they seem too impossible?

What if you started to believe that they may be possible? How would your life change?

Happy New Year Loves!

Here’s to 2019 being the best yet!



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