Having My Own Back

After my latest failed attempt at a love connection, I was discussing with one of my friends and coaching colleagues that what I miss the most about having someone special in my life, is knowing that that person has my back. And although I have lots of love and support from my family and friends, when a significant other has your back, it just feels different. It’s you and your person taking on the world together. I absolutely know that God’s got me AND it would still be nice to have that kind of relationship with another human being. The truth is, if I really want that kind of relationship in my life, the best person to provide that for me, is me. Just like my happiness is my responsibility, I am positive that having my own back works that way too (even though I’ve never thought of it like that before).

So what does it mean to have my own back? Because I don’t generally think of having my own back as a thing, I had to think of what it would mean for me to have someone else’s back and I came up with the following…protecting, standing up/fighting for, taking care of, encouraging, praying for, helping, supporting and loving unconditionally. Honestly, thinking about providing those things for myself, feels kind of daunting, yet it is super easy for me to do for others. Funny how that works?! I have to start treating myself differently and better, instead of my usual m.o. of being too hard on myself. At the root of this, is learning how to be my own best friend and I’ve got a lot to learn but I know that this is all part of stepping into the next best version of myself, the woman that God has called me to be and I kind of love that.



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