Wishing Away

Gosh, I am impatient sometimes. I just want to know “How?” and “When?”. I have some big life, business and guy related things that are in the works right now and I am trying to be patient but I am struggling. One would think that it is only natural to be excited, looking forward to so many great things but that’s how this caught me so off guard…

In the business coaching mastermind that I am in, our coach was telling us to remember to really be present, to enjoy the journey of where we are in our businesses because we will never experience these beginning stages again. As she was talking, I was overcome with emotion because I realized that under the guise of excitement for the future, I have actually been wishing my life away, trying to get to the next level of my business. Ouch. Then my private coach and I had a discussion about this issue and while I pride myself on being full of gratitude, I quickly realized that I was not being grateful for the most important thing…this very moment. Double ouch. 

As the negative judgments about myself rolled in from my own brain, my coach helped me come up with the thought…”Sometimes, I forget to be grateful.” Immediately, I felt better. Sometimes, I do forget to be grateful and that doesn’t mean anything good or bad about me. I am human. It happens. And now that I’ve realized it, I can course correct and focus on the gratitude that I have for this very moment, where I am right now, typing up this blog post on a cloudy, spring day, sitting at my desk, looking out at the wind blowing through the trees. And with the comfort of deep gratitude comes the patience that has been elusive to me til now. 

Are there areas of your life that you are wishing away, trying to get to something better? Please stop. We only get this one life, so let’s make sure that we really appreciate each moment of it. 



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