
So I put myself out there in a big way, on my favorite day of the year (summer solstice) and it was scary but completely amazing.

The night before, I prayed and then wrote out a fairly detailed “best case scenario” intention for the day and I refused to let myself get bogged down by disappointment or rejection ahead of time and I really focused on what I wanted to happen.

Before I left my house, I read the intention and again refused to let my mind wander to the land of impossibility/improbability. The day unfolded and as I drove home, at the end of the night, I realized that everything I had written down had happened, almost to the letter.

Mind blown.

In the past, I have set “best case” intentions but I didn’t really believe or focus on them and I let my fear of disappointment and rejection overpower my belief. My past intentions didn’t come to fruition because I didn’t fully believe that they were possible and they were most likely not in line with God’s plan for me anyway.

I know that mindset is everything but I still have a hard time believing new/better thoughts in certain areas of my life. I decided to treat this intention as an experiment. I was going to believe it wholeheartedly, no matter what negative thoughts popped into my head. This time, I fully believed and focused on what I wanted and everything happened as I had hoped. I am beyond excited for this belief breakthrough because it reaffirms everything I know to be true.

This is the power of mindset/life coaching. Anything is possible, as long as you believe it (and it’s God’s will).

What do you want for your life, but don’t believe is possible, yet? I promise it can be.



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