On Track

It’s so crazy that 2018 is half over. My goals for the year were/are to grow my business and to make more room for love in my life. If someone were to look from the outside, in, they would probably be thinking that I am failing at both. I haven’t made close to the dollar amount that I set out for and I am still single so…

Here’s what I believe…

My business is me and I am growing; therefore, my business is growing. Even though the dollar amount doesn’t line up (so far) with what I had hoped to create, I am learning so much and providing value to others, which is more important than any dollar amount.

And when it comes to making room for love in my life, the love I was mostly referring to was not romantic love (even though I have been on more dates this year than last year). I have spent more time intentionally loving God, others and myself. I’ve also gotten better at receiving love, which I believe is a direct result of loving myself more. 

So all in all, I am totally on track to hit my 2018 goals, even though it may not look like it to anyone else and we still have 6 months to go!

Refuse to be discouraged by where you (or others) think you should be, appreciate where you are and believe that your dreams and goals are completely within reach! You never know what can happen and that is so exciting!



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